Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Never-Ending Blog Post

It has been a while since I've updated this with a proper blog post. Mostly because I've been busy and it's been pretty standard life stuff happening, but now I figured I'd update with a bunch of goings on.

I guess I'll start with my current employment. I'm working for Enterbrain! and/or Degica writing tutorials for IG Maker. At least that's been the main point of the work so far, but recently I've started doing other stuff for 'em. Like, quite a bit actually. It's a lot of fun and they're a great group of people to work for. So feel free to check out my tutorials and here's a 10% discount on IG Maker (via using the coupon code "igmakerohyeah"). Buy it. It makes me money. There are other awesome projects that I'm working on, but I can't really talk about them yet. I'll let you know more as soon as I can though.

Next up is the most recent development: I am once again in a band. As much as I enjoyed my days in the (now somehow distant) past with Mike D. in Kain & Able (or whatever we ended up calling ourselves) I believe that Noveria will be a much better and much more successful fit for me. So far the current band members have all been super nice and awesome. They like me too, so that helps. Probably because of the awesome I emit everywhere I go... Yeah, that must be it. I mean, seriously. Look at this. It just oozes all over your face with awesome. IT OOZES!

Noveria's songs are wicked awesome too. I'm really anxious to get up on stage with them and jam on tracks like Deceiver and No Second Chances. Also they said they wanna play some of my music too, including On Fire among others. Oh! I also might get to sing some. Which excites me to no end. Woot!

Beyond that I've been attempting to get some guitar students to augment my weekly cash flow. I just picked up a new student taking a few shorter lessons a week. I love teaching beginners. It's so much fun to show them things and watch as they begin to understand not just how to play but also how music works in general. It's a blast. I really should've started seriously teaching a long time ago.

So beyond all of that juicy goodness there is some not so goodness. My Camaro and Ash's Beetle are still not running, though we are planning to get both fixed at the beginning of June (so close, only about 2 weeks left). The one guitar I'm using to record and play with is shorting out, but (also in June) I am hoping to get a new one (or two). Won't be a Gibson Les Paul like I had, but they'll be good enough for me to play until I can afford to upgrade again. I feel like the quality of my guitars keeps jumping around. I know what I want to play on, but I can't afford it and when I had the money I impulsively screwed myself by buying something shiny that ended up being virtually useless. Still, I'll get 'em some day. In the meantime I'll have to settle for this and this. Assuming it doesn't go too far over our budget to fix our cars.

As far as other nifty things going on here's the short version (I've been rambling for way too long in this post): The new Smallville comic is cute but not as good as it could be, money is super tight but we're managing, Ash will be starting school soon, I miss my Mom and Dad but hopefully I'll get to see 'em again soon, working on music is the best thing ever, and tigers are amazingly fantastical.

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